Friday, September 24, 2010

Recovery week and vacation...

Well, recovery week is going ok. I have not been making alot of time for workouts so far, because life has been kicking me in the balls. My Jeep had some issues this week causing me to blow a whole day dealing with starters and batteries, on top of getting ready for vacation and getting that planned and organized. So, all that being said, I have decided to pull a hybrid week while I am on vacation. I do not want to learn a new routine while away from the home base and I don't want to have to take all my workout gear with me (I like to travel light if possible). So, the plan is to extend recovery week until the end of my vacation and do these cardio based routines and add in some resistance training (maybe some push and pull stuff) with some morning runs on the beach. That way I get a good week of workouts and no real issues.

I am going to South Georgia and plan eating some really good seafood and relaxing for a week but that is no reason not to bring it!

This adaptation will cause me to be a week longer than planned but that is ok, I am not worried about the 90 days, this is a lifestyle change and I am not about to let a time frame break the gains I am looking for.

I might be away for a week, I hope to check in during the vaca but I cannot promise anything. I will get some pics of the progress and try to get day 1 pics recovered, camera issues :-(

Anyway, keep pushing play and bring it everytime!

1 comment:

  1. John, I'm SO looking forward to seeing your stats for your first thirty days!

    Congratulations on completing the first month - and kudos on making adjustments where needed for your vacation.

    I'm proud for you!
