Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 3 complete...

Well, the first 3 weeks are complete. I am feeling so much more healthy and when I do things that are outside the plan, I can really feel the difference. I am getting ready to start the 1st recovery week, and then I am going on vacation. I am taking the dvds with me and plan to keep them going. I may even add in some morning runs on the beach for some additional cardio...

I cannot see a lot of physical changes yet. The gut is looking a little better and muscle tone is coming along. I am not worried as much about these things, I just want to be healthier and that I am.

Diet is getting there. I was a Mt Dew-aholic prior to this and I am not missing it at all...kinda. I always catch myself thinking about it but I have not had an actual Mt. Dew since I started this. I have had a couple diets because i had nothing else in the house to drink (ran out of bottled water). i don't miss them and don't crave them. I think I am making a nice transition into a much healthier life style.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, John - don't forget to take that pic after the cool down week. I'm curious to know if what you can't see with the naked eye shows up in contrast to your Before pic!! So excited!!
